
What Are Symptoms Of PKD

Polycystic kidney disease patients need is not only timely treatment, and the treatment should also be noted with a certain diet, general polycystic kidney disease patients require surgical treatment, so today small to give you a brief introduction of polycystic kidney disease patients What are the symptoms usually will happen? Help patients in the pathogenesis of early enough attention.
1, polycystic kidney disease patients have kidney enlargement and kidney pain phenomenon, experts say for us, kidney disease progression in patients with both sides will be asymmetrical, there are differences in size. Important for kidney pain symptoms, often for lower back pressure or dull, there are pain, sometimes abdominal pain. Pain may be due to physical activity, walking for too long, sedentary exacerbated after bed reduce. Renal hemorrhage, infection also causes of sudden movement or stones severe pain.
2, polycystic kidney disease in patients with hematuria symptoms will appear, and most are microscopic hematuria. Experts say that for us, the patient bleeding for a long time can cause blood clots by ureteral colic. Hematuria and proteinuria often accompanied by white blood cells in urine, urine protein less, usually no more than 1.0g / d. When significant pyuria kidney infection, hematuria heavier, low back pain with fever.
3, polycystic kidney disease in patients with hypertension also symptoms of polycystic kidney disease which is a very common symptom, it is understood, the disease normal kidney tissue, between the cyst and cyst epithelial cells adjacent to interstitial renin particles increased and renin secretion. These are closely related to the growth of cysts and hypertension.
4, a symptom of polycystic kidney disease polycystic liver patients are also experts for us, in our study found that our patients with polycystic kidney disease, about half of how polycystic liver is generally believed that its development is slow, and polycystic kidney disease compared with about 10 years later. Its cyst is formed by lost bile duct dilatation. In addition, pancreas and ovarian cysts may also occur, colonic diverticulitis complicated by high rates.
5. renal insufficiency, the disease sooner or later going to happen with renal insufficiency, individual cases that occur in adolescence renal failure, renal dysfunction and rarely before the age of 40, 70 years old, about half remain renal function, but hypertension developed to shorten the process of renal failure, in patients 80 years of age are also individual can maintain kidney function.

Xiao Bian described above are some of the common symptoms of patients with polycystic kidney disease, patients usually should pay attention to rest and diet, avoid spicy foods, and should be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid further deterioration of the formation of kidney failure, I wish you health!

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