
What Is The Diet For Kidney Disease

How to eat with kidney disease? Diet is important for the treatment of kidney disease because the food you eat can stop the progression of kidney disease and control relative symptoms.
A healthy kidney filters out waste products from the body. A diseased kidney does not adequately filter waste from the body. A person with kidney disease needs to follow a special diet to maintain health and prevent progression of the disease. Keep in mind that doctors perform blood tests on patients with kidney disease to assess dietary requirements. In the absence of blood tests, this article provides basic dietary suggestions for patients with kidney disease but can not be considered a replacement for medical advice.
1 Eat a low protein diet.
 The body converts excess protein into a waste product called urea. Meat and dairy products are high in protein and should be eaten in small amounts only. Whole grains and vegetables are good foods to eat because they are low in protein.
2 Eat minimal amounts of foods that contain high amount of phosphorous.
A diseased kidney does not adequately remove phosphorus. Too much phosphorus in the body blocks calcium absorption. Foods that contain high amounts of phosphorus are chocolate, Coca-Cola, nuts and beans.
3 Minimize sodium intake.
 Many people with kidney disease also have high blood pressure. High amounts of sodium can increase blood pressure. Processed foods, can foods, chips and cured foods have high amounts of sodium.
This is just a basic dietary guideline and is not intended as medical advice. It is imperative to get medical advice when treating kidney disease. You can consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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