
Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Do Exercise

Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Do Exercise? hypertensive nephropathy occurs in patients with symptoms of high edema, edema highly suitable for bed rest, to prevent the movement worse. But not very severe edema hypertensive nephropathy patients for exercise will help improve the body resistance to help the kidneys early recovery. So what hypertensive nephropathy patients are suitable for activities?

Many patients worry hypertensive nephropathy Games worse, so direct bedridden, it did not go that did not go, not daring to move, this idea is wrong. For the following reasons:

For hypertensive nephropathy patients, although they are in bed rest, but it does not mean that can not move. Only severely ill patients with hypertensive nephropathy for bed rest, bed rest can increase renal blood flow, is conducive to the discharge of urine, relieve symptoms of edema. And bed rest can reduce contact with the outside world and to prevent cross-infection. However, in patients with hypertensive nephropathy bed rest may be appropriate in bed and bed sleeping mat activities to prevent limb vascular thrombosis, to prevent the formation of acne.

For hypertensive kidney disease in patients who have remission, you can gradually increase activity can start walking, tai chi, with the improvement of the disease, can also be jogging. But during the time of exercise time to pay attention to the movement, in order to better the morning and evening. But the sport of swimming in summer often appear, but not suitable for hypertensive patients with kidney disease, the first is to spend a lot of strength to swim, the pool of health can not be guaranteed Moreover, the patient is likely to occur infection, leading to relapse.

These are patients with hypertensive nephropathy sports related presentations. Hypertensive nephropathy to your health has brought great harm, but as long as you choose the right therapy, actively cooperate with medical treatment, there is great hope to achieve clinical cure effect. Active treatment, are responsible for your life, is the fervent hope your family.

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