
Can medicines cause nephritis

Kidney is the main organ to discharge metabolites of medicines, most medicines we take don’t accumulate in our body, they will be discharged through intestinal tract or kidney into urine, either metabolized or in its primary form. Kidney is the organ that has rich blood volume, the kidney tubules can make the concentration of medicines in urine several times higher than it in blood through its reabsorption function, the procedure can cause nephritisfrom the high concentration of medicines.

How medicines cause nephritis? First, high concentration of medicines can directly damage the kidney tubular epithelial cell, and the damage increase with the medicine concentration and lasting time. Second, medicines or its metabolites induce the body to cause immune reaction and produce complexes, which can deposit in kidney and cause damage to glomerulus, kidney tubules and interstitium, this kind of damage are usually not connected with the dosage. Third, obstructive kidney lesions, sulfonamides can produce sulfanilamide crystal and cause obstruction and damage to kidney tubules, pelvis, calyx, and ureter.

It is not to say that patients can’t take medicines that are toxic to the kidney, so long as the patients and their doctors pay enough attention, they can prevent the medicine from damaging the kidneys. And when we need to take medicines, neither it is proper to abuse it or put it away, it is the best advice to consult a pharmacist more and observe their instructions.

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