
Four Wines Are Suitable For PKD Patients In Winter

Moderate drinking in winter is beneficial for health, so what to drink in winter? Here  we will recommend you four wines for you to drink in winter.

1. rice wine: warm beauty
Wine contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including eight kinds of body's own synthesis but is essential, such as dextrin, maltose, glucose, lipids, glycerol, higher alcohols, organic acids and vitamins, these nutrients easily digested. These ingredients through storage, and eventually become high nutritional value of low-alcohol drinks.

Winter warm drink wine, can be blood relieving, through the meridians, effective against cold stimulation, prevent colds, regular consumption of a variety helps blood circulation, promote metabolism, and blood and beauty. General temperature below 10 ℃, the temperature of the wine on the most appropriate to drink. The wine into the boiling water bath heated to 40-45 ℃, this time not only nourishes wine Nuanwei blood, faster dissemination of wine, people are very comfortable, add ginger or plum match all the way.

2. Beer: ease lit

Beer is not the exclusive summer alcoholic drinks, beer is rich in nutrients carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, inorganic salts and trace elements, etc., known as "liquid bread", moderate drinking, cooling and hot weather, increase appetite, promote digestion and elimination of fatigue have a certain effect. Moderate drinking beer will help prevent colds. The study found that drinking four glasses of wine a day less than those who do not drink cold. This is because alcohol can exert anti-inflammatory effects, curb virus propagation, thus inhibiting the nasal mucus production. People like to eat hot pot in winter, if the soup into the amount of beer, make the soup slightly mellow, more delicious. At the same time, due to a large amount of vitamin-rich beer, eat hot pot can alleviate lit caused.

3, low spirits: Shujinhuoxue

Quality liquor irritation, but not strong alcohol. Adequate drinking can Shujinhuoxue make the same play with the effect of physical activity. And can increase high density lipoprotein in the blood, reducing LDL. Bile, reducing castor sterol content, helps to prevent gallstones. But also to eliminate the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the arterial wall, play a protective cardiovascular effect. Liquor to be the most appropriate number of degrees the temperature to drink it? The answer is 30 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ is better, if the temperature is too high spirits, wine, aromatic esters will be exposed to heat in the volatile aroma fades, affect the taste. As warm wine the way, in fact, very simple, common with water hot - pour warm jug wine, then add hot water heating; roasted - Heat the wine into the containers, placed on the fire to heat up; the red hot - the hot beverage into wine or liquor injected into the hot beverage warming in several ways.

It is noteworthy that, in order to prevent poisoning, hot wine with Xihu not long, because the high temperatures encountered Xihu will break lead, serious harm to human health. Due to increased alcohol content, the body consumes enzymes and vitamins will increase, thereby adversely health. Therefore, in order to reduce or eliminate threats to men's health liquor, so to replenish fresh vegetables, fish, lean meat, beans, eggs and other nutrients inside drinking.

4. Wine: enhance immunity

Wine contains nutrients essential for the body of amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc., it may not be pre-digested, absorbed by the body directly. Especially the infirm, often drinking the right amount of wine that can improve immunity. Red wine contains a substance called resveratrol. After resveratrol antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-apoptosis, angiogenesis and endothelial function adjustment and various signaling pathways, to diabetes, coronary heart disease and other related diseases have a significant protective effect. Thus, the appropriate amount of drinking red wine, the prevention of cardiovascular disease, longevity, etc., is good.

Experts suggest that the amount of drinking wine for: Men up to 300-400ml per person per day for women up to 200-300ml per person per day. The best time to drink is 19:00 to 9:30, this time in human liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity increased, alcohol is more likely to be metabolized. Before drinking, you can add vitamin c, vitamin b, eat sweets and milk protein food or drink, to protect the gastric mucosa, to ease the harm of alcohol on the human body.

But bloggers believe that no matter what wine to drink are not excessive, if out socializing, drinking too much, go out again by the cold, diarrhea, not only can not warm up, but Shang Wei, so winter drinking, remember small wine cheer.

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