
What Supplements can you take with chronic kidney disease

A healthy diet and nutrition supplement play important role in treating chronic kidney diseases, it can effectively alleviate the symptoms and slow down the kidney damage. CKD patients need to pay attention to three major nutritions, which refer to protein, carbohydrate and vitamin.
Reducing protein amount in diet can improve the condition of azotemia and relieve the kidney damage from proteinuria, as well it can decrease the serum phosphate and alleviate acidosis. Generally speaking, 30 to 36 g protein supplement per day is ok for CKD patients, but for patients with early stage of CKD, if they have much proteins leakage in urine, they should increase the protein intake appropriately in case of hypoproteinemia. The source of proteins should be mainly fish, lean flesh, milk and chicken.

Sufficient carbohydrate intake can offer the body enough energy and reduce the protein catabolism, the source should be rice, wheat, corn, etc, which contain rich carbohydrate. Beside, potato, taro, lotus root and apple are also rich in carbohydrate, they can be taken beyond dinner. CKD patients are easily to be lack of vitamin because of metabolic disorder and dietary restriction, especially for vitamin C and folic acid, the vitamins are rich in vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, grapefruit, oilseed rape and apple, they should be involved in daily diet.

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