
Are There No any treatment for kidney operation without surgery

When the kidneys are not able to do their work normally, patients may be suggested to make transplant surgery riñón.Sin Not all kidney patients want to accept or have the opportunity to do this cirugía.Hay other treatment for the kidneys do not work?

Of course it is not. However, the personal treatment plan should depend on condition of patients disease. For alternative therapy directly, you can consult a doctor online or send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

If the kidneys of patients have failed completely, dialysis, Clear Blood Therapy contamination or stem cell therapy may be the only options.

Dialysis is a treatment that can replace damaged to remove waste products, toxins and excess fluid kidneys. Because it can keep patients 'vital core, dialysis can save renal failure patients' life effectively. However, longer dialysis patients, most patients have side effects.

Clear Blood Pollution Therapy is a treatment that can help cleanse the blood further than dialysis. Because not only can remove small molecular substances, but also moderate and large molecular substances, Clear Blood Therapy contamination can improve the quality of life of patients effectively.

Stem cell therapy using cells to differentiate into cells brand that can replace damaged kidney cells play their role normalmente.En recent years, this therapy is becoming more widely used to treat kidney disease and failure renal.

If patients still have some kidney function, some therapies are still available to save your kidneys and prevent kidney transplant surgery.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy two common therapies that can help kidney cells repair damage and protect the remaining kidney function. While the level of renal function of patients increased to 15% and stable, patients can live their own kidneys successfully.

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