
Diabetic nephropathy fruit Dar Patients with creatinine 3.5

Some people think that patients with diabetic nephropathy should avoid fruits, because the sugar in fruit can increase the level of glucose in the blood of these pacientes.Hecho, is wrong. For patients with diabetic kidney disease and creatinine 3.5, they can still consume some types of fruit.

As introduced by kidney doctors, fresh fruits are delicious and can provide rich vitamin C, minerals and fiber for cuerpo.Estos nutrients are beneficial for preventing arterial sclerosis, retinopathy and estreñimiento.En general, fruits also contain rich fructose and glucosa.A Indeed, in the metabolism of fructose does not need insulin, and the main composition in fruits that affects the blood sugar is glucose.

If the medical condition of the patient diabetic nephropathy is not well controlled or level of blood sugar remains high, had better avoid frutas.Sin But if your levels of sugar in blood and urine are managed But they can eat about 100 g of fruit every day and pick the fruits that are low in sugar.

Today, we are here to list various types of fruits that are appropriate for patients with diabetic nephropathy and high creatinine 3.5.Si want to get free online help directly, you can consult a doctor online or by email to kidneycares @ hotmail.com.

Grapefruit: fresh grapefruit juice is claimed to have ownership of insulin that can help reduce high blood sugar and protect cardiovascular health.

Cherry: The fruit is rich in antioxidants and low in potassium, which may help protect renal tissue containing pectin restantes.Cereza operation can increase insulin secretion, to lower the level of blood sugar .

Apple: Because sugar apple is slowly absorbed, can reduce blood sugar, to some extent, especially after comidas.Sin however, diabetics can not eat too many apples one day.

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