
Malar rash on the face and lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis is triggered by the SLE, lupus lupus.Cuando starts attacking the kidneys, many other organs can also be malar involucrados.Erupción face or butterfly-shaped rash on the face is one common complications of lupus, and many patients with lupus nephritis also have it.

A malar rash lupus nephritis patients

It is a skin disorder that causes the rash appears over the cheekbones and the bridge of the nariz.Una malar rash or butterfly-shaped are usually purple or red. Although the facial rash is not painful, patients still hoping to alleviate this problem and have a good look.

The incidence of lupus malar erythema

It is reported that about three-quarters of patients with lupus have skin lesions (rash, injured areas or ulcers), and about 50% of these skin lesions are photosensitive ultraviolet sunlight .

How to treat malar rash for lupus nephritis patients?

From the malar rash is photosensitive, the lupus nephritis patients should avoid sunlight, ultraviolet radiation and sensitive foods such as lemon, celery, orange, and so on.For stop the rash worse patient should be kept away from alcohol, fish, shrimp, spicy and fried foods, overwork and mental stress. They should also pay attention to your skin hygiene.

If patients want to get rid of his malar rash root, it should take some therapies for the treatment of lupus nephritis fundamentalmente.In recent years, immunotherapy has been widely used to treat kidney disease caused by autoimmune disease, including nephritis lúpica.Debido it can eliminate immune complexes, normalize the immune system and kidney cells repair damage, stem cells may help treat lupus nephritis effectiveness.

For the most effective remedies to manage lupus nephritis patients malar rash on the face, you can leave a message or email below kidneycares@hotmail.com. Then, kidney experts here will send them to you.

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