
Small kidneys with parenchymal disease secondary to hypertension

If patients have hypertension for 5 ~ 10 years, the kidneys are more likely to be affected by blood pressure alta.Cuando the filtering system of the kidney is damaged, patients will be diagnosed with renal parenchymal disease and kidneys become small.

How does hypertension affect kidneys?

Kidneys are excretory organs that can prevent proteins and red blood cells from leaking from the high pressure sanguíneos.La blood vessels can cause pressure within the blood vessels to increase, causing the protein to filtrarse.A turn loss protein can damage the kidney filtration system, resulting vicious circle.

Kidney filters found in the parenchyma renal.Como these filters are damaged, indicating the occurrence of renal.Al parenchymal disease while less blood flows into the kidneys, more and more inherent functioning kidney cells not and kidney function decline gradually.

What to do with small kidneys and renal parenchymal disease?

Since high blood pressure is the underlying cause, treatment should begin with the reduction of blood pressure alta.El conventional treatment to control high blood pressure is taking anti-hypertensive medications such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, diuretics and CCB.Si these drugs are not able to control hypertension patients effectively, some therapies are needed auxiliares.Ellos are medicated bath, acupuncture, foot bath, etc. these therapies can help expand blood vessels and regulates blood circulation. As the blood vessels dilate high blood pressure naturally decreases.

To save shrunken kidneys and treat renal parenchymal disease, we'd recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, an innovation of China.The medicine effective ingredients of Chinese medicines can penetrate the renal lesions through the skin directly, with the osmóticos.Como devices help nurture these drugs damaged kidneys and stimulate healing system, patients can obtain the gradual recovery.

You did not find right medications or therapies to treat your kidney problem? Please do not worry. A lot of kidney experts are always here to help.

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