What Are The Differences Between Chronic Kidney Disease and Healthy Kidneys?
In chronic renal kidney disease, kidneys have been damaged to some extent, the
damage can associate with two kidneys. A good healthy kidney means the person
was born with one or kidney disease has not damaged the two kidneys.
As the kidney has a strong compensatory, so that people can not even live
like a normal person with one riñón.Así that people born with one kidney can
have a normal life despite his life, so, as long as there are no obvious
symptoms, it is not necessary to care for her.
But for people with chronic kidney disease, no matter the disease has damaged
one or two of the kidneys, they need to take action now to prevent renal
failure, disease even uremia.
How to treat chronic kidney disease?
Without good control, kidney disease uremia enter in a short period of time,
so that the way to deal with is really a big problem.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovation of traditional Chinese
medicine herbs, which aims to improve kidney function by repairing the damaged
kidney tissues and protecting the remaining damage mayor.Con the help of this
therapy, People in the early stages of kidney disease may have the opportunity
to live as a person normal.Es say, for people who are in the early stages of
kidney disease may have the opportunity to reverse their disease with the help
of this therapy.