
What is the percentage of Renal Function for Stage 4 Kidney Disease

What are the percentage of renal function in stage 4 kidney disease? At the clinic, chronic kidney disease can be divided into five stages and each stage has renal function correspondiente.Para people who are in stage 4 corresponding kidney disease must be less than 30%, next we see some details.

The five stages and the corresponding renal function

The stage 1 kidney disease

Mild kidney is damaged with a normal glomerular filtration rate or GFR.Así at this stage renal function is more than 90%, so there is no need to treat it. With the help of diet habit fit and healthy life, the disease can be reversed.

The stage 2 kidney disease

GFR in the range of 60 to 89 percent is indicative of a patient, ie the function of the left kidney is 60% and less than 89% .This step is still considered to be mild renal disease patients could still show no síntoma.Etapa 1 and 2 together are known as chronic renal failure and may be detected by abnormal results of blood or urine. At this stage the disease can also be reversed with timely treatment.

The stage 3 kidney disease

At this stage, renal function is characterized by a GFR of 30-59 per ciento.Aunque not all patients with stage 3 have symptoms, some may experience fatigue, swelling or inflammation caused by excess fluid remaining in the body, back pain and changes in appetite.

The Stage 4 renal disease

With a GFR of 15 to 29 percent of the kidneys are unable to filter blood efficiently. At this stage, the kidney can not work efficiently without good control can enter the ESRD quickly.

The stage 5 kidney disease

This stage is also known as end stage renal failure, patients will have less than 15 percent of their remaining kidney function, so people have to seek the help of dialysis or other treatments.

If you still have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney disease, do not dare to contact our doctor online, we will try our best to help.

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