
Frequently Asked Questions About Hemodialysis

When patients with kidney failure begin to live with hemodialysis, they may be faced by a number of problemas. Therefore, you may have questions about hemodialysis. Thus, we would like to answer some frequently asked questions about hemodialysis.

1. Why anemia patients have to accept dialysis?

Various disorders such as chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, etc, can cause terminal stage renal disease, renal filtration function decreases, causing many clinical manifestations such as hypertension, edema, nausea and vomiting. Then, hemodialysis is needed to replace the kidneys to work.

2. How much time can patients live with hemodialysis?

This is a common question asked by patients on hemodialysis. Currently, there are patients who can live on dialysis for more than 30 años.En theory, hemodialysis is a good option to prolong the life expectancy for a long time, if patients complications patients are managed well. A doctor at the dialysis center never said, If God gives you 100 years of life, do not let it die at age 99.

3. How many times must dialysis patients obtain?

In general, regular and adequate dialysis should be at least 3 times for a week. If the urine is enough patients and their health is monitored very well, dialysis can be reduced to 2 to 5 times a week or two weeks.

4. Será urine of patients becoming less dialysis treatment?

Not always. If the condition is admitted, patients with enough urine no need for drying or dehydrating a little water for hemodialysis solamente.En this condition, the urine of patients will not be reduced. However, with the progression of the patient's medical condition, your urine output may decrease gradualmente.En this case, patients should consider to dehydrate the excess fluid from the body.

If you just start doing dialysis and have other questions, you can ask your doctor directly online.

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