
High Blood Pressure and Creatinine 2.3 In FSGS Patients

FSGS is a glomerular disorder that can cause kidney filters that lose their function so gradual.Thus,the kidneys fail to remove waste products and toxins and regulate blood pressure, high blood pressure and high levels of creatinine as 2.3 mg / dl can easily occur.

After discovering the cause of high blood pressure and serum creatinine 2.3 for FSGS patients, the next thing to do is manage oportuna.Como introduced by nephrologists, the FSGS patients suggest taking the following methods to handle these problems.

-Eating Right foods

A kidney friendly diet plan may help high blood pressure, reduce high creatinine level and protect kidney tissues funcionando.Las basic dietary needs are low in sodium, low in protein, low in fat, less meat, etc.

-Choose Effective antihypertensive drugs

In the clinic, there are many types of antihypertensive drugs such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, diuretic, CCB, and so sucesivamente.Todos these drugs can help reduce high blood pressure, but patients should correct the drugs according to their condition of enfermedad.En most cases, patients may need to take more than one type of these drugs to strengthen the therapeutic effects and reduce side effects.

-Take Ketosteril if necessary

If the patient GFR of less than 25 ml / min, can be suggested to take Ketosteril. This drug can help reduce the high level of creatinine effectively and protects the tissues of the remaining kidney function.

-Make Against kidney scars

With the progression of FSGS, more and more kidney tissues are marcados.En functional view of this, patients are suggested to take some therapy to rescue their kidneys and prevent further damage to the kidneys.Currently, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Clear Blood Therapy and pollution are two effective therapies for FSGS patients. Consult your doctor to determine which one is right for you.

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