
How Long Can They Live With Slow Progression FSGS

How Long Can They Live With Slow Progression FSGS ? In some cases, FSGS progresses slowly, and the level of kidney function in patients gradualmente.Luego decreases, patients must want to know how long they can live patients with FSGS kidney disease progressed slowly .

As a common glomerular disease, FSGS can cause kidneys fail to filter blood, regulate blood pressure, maintain electrolyte balance, and so sucesivamente.Conforme time passes, some of these complications can endanger the lives of patients.

As a condition of the patients disease changes from person to person, life expectancy is also diferente.Algunos patients may live as long as the general population, while some other patients with kidney failure within several años.En only view of this, some therapies should be taken to improve kidney condition and extend their life expectancy.

If you are suffering from FSGS, you can try the following methods with the guidance of the physician.

-Modify Your diet plan and lifestyle 

according to their disease status
A correct diet plan and healthy lifestyle can help control patient complications and slow the progression of FSGS.Por least, patients should follow a low-sodium diet plan low in protein and avoid habits unhealthy life.

Take medicines and the right medicines

With the progression of FSGS, patients will have a range of symptoms and complications, such as proteinuria, hypertension, hematuria, and so sucesivamente.De according to the problems of patients, doctors prescribe proper medications to manage their problems.

Active reverse kidney damage

Only if the damaged kidneys are back to normal, patients may live with their own kidneys segura.El key point is to protect the remaining kidney tissue and reverse the impaired functioning kidney damage.

If you need any help in the treatment of FSGS, you can leave message for us, we will do everything possible to help.

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