
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Brings New Hope To Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

Name: John Brennan
Country: United States
Age: 81
Diagnosis: CKD4, hypertensive renal failure

The reason for coming to China for treatment

"30 years ago, I met with my high blood pressure in a test report. In the beginning, I felt good, no dizziness, no dimming of vision and no headache. High blood pressure was 170/100 mmHg. The doctor gave me some hypotension, and my blood pressure was controlled steadily ".

"However, seven years ago, my kidney function was found anormal.En that time, the creatinine level was 1.7 mg / dl, which made me a little scared. I took an oral medication to control the disease, but the Things did not go as what I expect.Sólo time in a year, my creatinine level increased to 2.5 from 2.3, and recognized that it could not wait any longer, otherwise, the kidney transplant will be my last option. Thanks for God, I found-healthy kidney, led me to come to China for treatment. "

Treatment in China

"After being here, check all sides did it again. I could not believe there was much that deposit toxins in my blood, the doctor told me that most of my kidney function has been lost."

"First, the doctor prescribes a Chinese medicine to help me flush out toxins and relax intestinos.Luego came Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. In terms of Chinese herbal medicine, I just heard it before, but not too much, now it seemed to me that really deserves the reputation that feeling goza.La receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy was so amazing, I could feel the blood flowing strongly in his cuerpo.Después several moments of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy My face was red and her whole body became creatinine poderoso.Nivel refused to 164umol / l 200, and BUN declined to 12.4 mmol / L 15.4. It was amazing that all miracles occurred just one month of time.We had a good appetite, I felt I went back to my adolescent stage. I would keep the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy after I returned home. "

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