
More Information About osmotherapy and effectiveness in CKD

Patient: Hello, doctor. I am a patient CKD Stage 3 CKD, foamy urine, dry mouth, back pain and pain recently pierna.Te like to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Doctor: This article can help you learn more about your disease condition with the hope that this can help you take better care of yourself and choose a more appropriate therapy.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an original creation in Shijiazhuang Riñón.Se Disease Hospital is a typical external application of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and specializes in the treatment of kidney disease.

Micronized medicine can infiltrate renal lesions, control high blood pressure, stop inflammation and block worsening renal function raíz.El the most important is that it offers a better internal environment and promotes renal renal recovery through accelerating the elimination of toxins, residues and metabolites in blood.

In addition, other adjuvant treatments will also be used to relieve symptoms and serious complications, such as foot bath, enema, and thus suitable sucesivamente.Medicamentos, specific treatments and unique recipe will be used in accordance with the condition of the patient's disease.

In addition, e-mail or leave a message for kidneycares@hotmail.com. we are happy to offer a more professional orientation quickly for free.

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