
Chinese Medicine Can Help Patients with Diabetic nephropathy

"I have a creatinine level of 1.4 I am diabetic for 12 years. Can this level lead to kidney failure? I have no other symptoms. I take 10 units of insulin Mixtard human before breakfast and one tablet Janumet after counter and 50/500 Janumet tablet after cena.Qué drugs should take either to stop or reverse the progression condition ".This is an email address of the patient. There is a process on the treatment in the siguiente.So if you have any questions, please ask our online doctor directly for free.

Because you have had diabetes for 12 years, so his kidney problem has great relationship with his diabetes, which is not well controlled for a long tiempo.Usted suffered diabética.Cómo nephropathy is your diabetes controlled now? Volume 10 Mixtard human insulin units before breakfast and 50/500 Janumet tablet after tablet counter and take Janumet after fibator dinner.I after counter and after dinner.

What about the current blood sugar?

Creatinine level is 1.4, it is greater than the average rank. High creatinine means higher toxins in the general cuerpo.En once the creatinine level is higher, there renal function over 50% has been damaged.

At this stage early treatment may still reverse his kidney problem.

We often use traditional Chinese herbal medicine to repair damaged kidney and we have many eficaces.Tales therapies as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is just one of our many traditional Chinese medicine therapies effective.

If you have any questions about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave message for us.

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