
How to Treat Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease Caused By Diabetes

My husband has been diagnosed as stage 3 CKD due to diabetes and hypertension.Actually he has edema in his lower limbs and elevated creatinine of 3.1mg/dl or 272umol/L with low albumin 27.Please help treat?

Hello Madam, Today, her husband is in stage 3 kidney disease. At the clinic, is an important stage in the whole process of CKD.Con a systematic and effective treatment in time, kidney damage can be revertida.De otherwise, it will progress and eventually end stage renal failure will be the end result.

You know, depending on the degree kidney damage, chronic kidney disease can be divided into the following stages:

Compensatory stage renal failure

When less than 50% of the nephrons impaired, the left nephrons can do extra work to refine sangre.Por Therefore, the level of BUN and creatinine level will not increase. Meanwhile, patients usually do not show any clinical signs.

Decompensated stage of renal failure

When more than 50% of the nephrons impaired, serum creatinine increased to 133-442umol / L (2 ~ 5 mg / dL). At this stage, patients suffer from bloating, fatigue, lack of appetite, mild anemia etc.

Stage renal failure

When the creatinine level reaches 442-707umol / L (5-8mg / dl), patients will enter phase failure renal.En this stage, patients experience severe anemia, electrolyte imbalance, symptoms in multiple systems and organs.

Uremia stage

At this stage, the creatinine level increase to 707umol / L (8 mg / dL). At this stage, patients suffering from severe symptoms in various body organs and systems such as heart failure, digestive system, lung, etc.

In the case of her husband, who is in early stage of the failure Decompensated renal. In this stage, while more than 50% of the nephrons are damaged, there is still a part of nephrons not deteriorated.Por It is therefore important to protect this part of nephrons and repair reversible nephrons. Thus, renal function impairment and stop further be improved.

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