
If the Transplanted Kidney Fail, Will I Get Another

If the Transplanted Kidney Fail, Will I Get Another? Generally, everyone can transplant 3 times in our lives. However, the lifespan of the new transplanted kidney will be shorter than before.

For example, if the first did the transplant is 10.5 years. Each transplant patient has rechazo.Pero reaction now his kidney damaged again. If you have a second transplant, the new kidney damage 5 años.Por the same reason, if you have a third transplant, which is the last time, the new kidney damage of 2.5 years.
Although doctors prescribe some medications such as immunosuppressive agents, diuretic, decrease inflammation. These drugs are good for their disease, but they are far from sufficient for their disease.

As renal failure patients the wise choice is to try your best to protect the remaining kidney, and, if possible, to improve kidney function. Thus, it is possible to prevent transplant and enjoy a quality life.

How to improve renal patient kidney function?

First, you should make a diet plan according to their own condition, if necessary, can seek help from your doctor or nutritionist.

Based on this point, you should take systematic treatments that should including Chinese medicine (to repair the damaged kidney tissues) and western medicine (to relieve symptoms in a short period of time).

With the help of these therapies and diet as you will have the opportunity to protect their kidney failure again, so to prevent transplant.

If you want more information on kidney or need any help in the treatment of kidney transplant failure, you can send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor directly. We will do everything possible to help you.

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