
Chronic nephritis pregnant women should pay attention to routine maintenance

Refers to chronic nephritis proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema of the basic clinical manifestations, onset in different ways, protracted illness, the slow progress of disease can be varying degrees of renal dysfunction, chronic renal failure will eventually develop a set of renal Ball disease. For chronic nephritis pregnant women, experts advise must be doubly care.

Kidney specialist said to note the following:

Should eat containing high quality protein, vitamin-rich food, and adequate salt. Weak constitutions or anemia, may be appropriate to raise nutritious supplement products. After the second trimester of pregnancy, bed rest should be left lateral position to the hospital regularly check blood pressure, urine testing is particularly important. Such as increased blood pressure, severe edema, should be timely and antihypertensive drugs, diuretic drugs. When the infection, antibiotics should be used for renal toxic side effects of the drug. Such as ammonia penicillin, neomycin Pioneer.

Due to chronic nephritis prone to cause intrauterine growth retardation, or stillbirth, pregnancy note fetal monitoring (B super understanding of fetal development, placental function, amniotic fluid, fetal monitoring also can learn about the fetus in the intrauterine hypoxia) in order to detect and treatment of fetal anomalies. After 28 weeks of gestation, the best hospital for observation of changes in condition, cure take reasonable measures, such as integrative medicine cure, can achieve better results. As blood pressure increased significantly up to 21,3 / 13,3KPA, after active treatment is not easy to control, serum creatinine reached or exceeded 265,2 micromoles / liter flat-plate function is severely impaired or stillbirth, shall terminate the pregnancy.

Mode of delivery options: such as the exclusion of fetal abnormalities, cesarean section safer. Pregnant women suffering from chronic nephritis due to intrapartum, postpartum may cause exacerbations, leading to acute renal failure and death. Therefore, patients should be closely monitored after his birth, must do special care. Postpartum not breastfeeding.

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