
Is It Possible To Reverse Stage 4 CKD with GFR 16

Is there any chance to reverse Stage 4 chronic kidney disease with GFR 16? In fact, if the patient can get systematic treatment timely they can get a chance to reverse or stop the progression of this disease, thus to live a better life without dialysis or kidney transplant.

For patients with stage 4 kidney disease and GFR of 16, their kidneys have been damaged seriously, there are just remaining 16% kidney function can work normally, so that demand them to take actions right now to stop the progression of this disease, otherwise, they may need to take dialysis.

However, if they can get systematic treatment timely, they will get a chance to avoid dialysis. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can help patient to avoid dialysis by improving the GFR level.

You know, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has four main functions, they are anti-thrombosis, anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and enlarge blood vessels. By those four functions, this kind of therapy can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the residual ones from further damage. In such a way to reverse the kidney disease and help patient avoid dialysis.

There are many kinds of herbs can be used in this therapy, so during the treatment, doctors will arrange different herbs for patients according to their special condition. For different patient has different symptoms, so they should have different herbs in their therapy. If you want to know what kind of herbs are best for you, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, or contact our online doctor directly. We will do everything possible to help you.

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