
Is Metformin Beneficial for Patients with CKD

"I'm 76 years old with type 2 diabetes and I ER 1500 mg melbine with stage 3 disease renal.Debería discuss melbine continue with my doctor and I should switch to melbine.Tenía place to get information. BUN ratio of 22 mg, 1.39mg creatinine, BUN / creatinine 15.8 ".

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Metformin is commonly used to treat diabetes type 2. You can help blood sugar levels control by increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing sugar production by the liver and decreased absorption of sugar. The residual metformin is excreted out of the body by the kidneys in proper conditions. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include weakness, drowsiness, slow heartbeat, cold feeling, muscle pain, trouble breathing, loss of consciousness, etc.Aunque metformin does not directly cause kidney damage, patients with kidney damage or kidney disease should not use the drug.

Another significant complication of metformin is gastrointestinal disorder.Problems in kidney failure as significant diarrhea or vomiting commonly occur in people who are taking metformin therapy when chronic kidney disease subyacente.Puede lead to severe dehydration and acute renal failure. The interruption of metformin and vigorous rehydration usually results in the restoration of baseline renal function.

Herbal medicine is applied externally to work to expand the blood vessels, improve blood circulation, improve the blood supply and oxygen to the kidneys, thereby restoring overall kidney function over time.

Send to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor, we are happy to provide more professional guidance quickly for free.

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