
How Long Can You Live With Polycystic Kidney Disease

1. If a patient with polycystic kidney disease can be well controlled, polycystic kidney disease patients can still live a long time, most of polycystic kidney disease patients and normal people can live, learn, work, but if the disease started to develop worse, it can endanger human life.

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Therefore, in order to effective treatment of polycystic kidney disease, so survival time, the most crucial thing is to find a reliable and appropriate treatment.

2. Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, is due to the dominant gene for polycystic kidney surgery, it is possible, patients can temporarily relieve pain, eliminate large cysts, but does not make small cysts while eliminating Therefore small cysts grow up again, resulting in a very high recurrence rate.

3. The key to the treatment of polycystic kidney function is the premise of protecting narrow cysts, kidney tissue and thus reduce cyst oppression affect kidney function.

Can be treated conservatively in the TCM external treatment, not dangerous, it can gradually make cyst back to the absorption, inhibit abnormal growth and repair tubular epithelial cells and its fiber-like discharge.

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