
How to Treat Allergic Purpura Nephritis

"How to treat allergic purpura" and other issues of concern are the majority of patients, kidney disease hospital for brief "how to treat allergic purpura"
p; (a) General treatment:

① to remove possible allergens.
② attention to rest and avoid fatigue.
③ keep warm and prevent colds.
④ avoid mood swings, to prevent insect bites.
⑤ avoid taking may cause allergy drugs.
⑥ control and prevention of infection, when there is a clear choice foci of infection or sensitive to antibiotics, but should avoid blindly prophylactic use of antibiotics.
⑦ attention to diet, fasting raw onions, raw garlic, pepper, wine and other spicy food; meat, seafood, eggs, milk and high-protein animal food; beverages, snack foods and other convenience foods.

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(B) drug treatment:

Simplex, abdominal and joint type, the use of pure Chinese medicine prescription specialist treatment, results were satisfactory, and no side effects. Generally month, effective, months basic cure.

Kidney (allergic purpura) The expert pure Chinese "Golden Qi Shenkang prescription" treatment, the elimination of urine protein and occult role better cure without recurrence.

Why is there a course of treatment recurrent disease? How to deal with?

Due to physical reasons, the impact of HSP patients vulnerable to environmental changes, such as the weather cools, fatigue, anger, cold, drinking, eating allergenic foods, etc. In these cases often lead to exacerbations, and will happen again.

Thus, in the first course of treatment should be actively avoid these situations, keep warm, avoid fatigue, anger, prevent colds, do not eat may cause food allergies and drugs; secondly, in the face of recurrent disease to find the cause, eliminate them impact; and third, to continue taking the drug therapy, the use of pure Chinese herbal formula good effect, without any side effects.

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