
Is There Any Treatment For Dizziness In Uremia After Hemodialysis

Dialysis is a method most commonly used treatment of uremia, which can effectively remove toxins from the body, rapid relief of symptoms, changes in renal failure, high accumulation of uremic toxins patient status. At the same time to see the effect of uremia dialysis there are many disadvantages, the most common is dizziness after dialysis, dizziness has uremic dialysis after that way?
To know there dizziness uremia after hemodialysis way to do, we must first understand Reasons dizziness after hemodialysis uremia. Initial dialysis dialysis disequilibrium syndrome can occur, primarily to reduce excessive blood urea nitrogen and other substances. Resulting in cells, extracellular fluid osmotic imbalance, caused by increased intracranial pressure and cerebral edema. Patients can be dizziness, vomiting, headache, severe convulsions can occur. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome is a side effect of dialysis, usually over a period of time as improve their regulatory function will be eased, adjustable sodium dialysis safe, can effectively reduce the incidence of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, but that doctors should pay attention to Oh you it is difficult to know what role Mild DS generally do not need special treatment, oral sedatives such as diazepam 2.5 ~ 5mg or symptomatic treatment can be?

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Dizziness have uremia after hemodialysis way to do detailed below: 1.50GS250ml or 10Nacl10 ~ 20ml pump injection from the front; 2.20 mannitol 100 ~ 120ml, or mannitol and hypertonic glucose are used interchangeably, the former pump injection. Prophylactic treatment of patients with DS may be prone dialysis from 1 to 2 hours before injection pump 20 mannitol 250ml, or 50GS80 ~ 100ml, reduce the imbalance symptoms, there is a good preventive effect, also with a high sodium dialysate in hemodialysis . Dialysis features: predialysis serum urea nitrogen and creatinine levels can be determined in vivo urea nitrogen, creatinine generation rate, a low level of pre-dialysis and dialysis is not mean enough. Creatinine is produced by muscle metabolism in vivo, low levels of pre-dialysis indicates that less muscle, protein nutritional status is a reflection of the poor. Urea nitrogen is a food and exogenous protein catabolism in the body, the level of pre-dialysis Low protein intake is low. Determine the adequacy of dialysis, more use of formula Kt / V, based dialysis urea clearance K, dialysis time t and the body of water calculations. Kt / V; -1n [postdialysis BUN / predialysis BUN-0.008t] ten [4-3.5 thoroughly after BUN / front through BUN] x (predialysis weight - postdialysis weight) /0.58 dry weight. Usually you want to keep the Kt / V in 1.2 above. Dialysis adequacy is a key factor in improving the quality of life and long-term survival, usually a day (24 hours) of less than 800 milliliters of urine in patients weekly dialysis time should be more than 12 hours of dialysis three times; for a day by more than 1000 ml of urine holding more than 10 hours a week of dialysis, dialysis 2-3 times. Dialysate flow rate is generally fixed at 500 ml / min, blood flow is maintained at 200-300 ml / min. Each dialysis serum urea nitrogen levels should drop 65-70%. Dialysis adequacy course, including a clear body of excess water, but should not cause excessive dehydration low blood pressure, causing vital organs heart, brain ischemia.

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