
Nursing Care And Diet Plan For IgA Nephropathy

1. Psychological care: to explain a variety of questions, the proper interpretation disease, patients are encouraged to use the successful cases, create a quiet, clean, comfortable treatment environment for patients;

2. Life Care: to ensure adequate sleep, every day should be more than eight hours, bed rest to gross hematuria disappeared, giving low-salt, low fat, low phosphorus, high calcium, high-quality low-protein diet such as milk, fish. Eat less animal offal and easy food allergies and the like;

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Symptoms And Treatment For IgA Nephropathy


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3. Strengthening skin care, keep the skin intact. The patient is asked often bathe frequently changes the underwear, trimmed finger (toe); help patients choose no irritation or irritation of toiletries;

4. Close observation of changes in blood pressure, maintain water and electrolyte balance. Sooner or later, blood pressure 1, observed and recorded 24 hours urine, vomit amount and the amount of fluid calculated based on the total fluid volume and the amount of the rational use of diuretics;

5. The proper exercise, such as qigong, tai chi and so on.

6. actively prevent respiratory infections, recurrent tonsillitis patients resection feasible.

7. Drug treatment should be under the guidance of a doctor, to avoid the application of kidney damage drugs, such as gentamicin, amikacin and so on.


1. gross hematuria, the drugs do not indiscriminately, first go to the hospital checked.

2. suspected of suffering IgA nephropathy is best to do biopsy confirmed. Clearly pathological type.

3. During the sick pay attention to prevent colds and fatigue, in order to avoid relapse.

4. repressor antigen invasive, infectious hospital surgical removal of antigens can be the source of infection, especially suppurative pathogens through, together with Chinese modulating and anti-infective drugs, often play a multiplier effect.

5. Lee above type Ⅲ or early mild IgA nephropathy patients after general treatment ineffective, should be timely application of immunosuppressive therapy, according to the wishes of pathological findings and patient, the choice of individual immunosuppressive therapy. Abandon immunosuppressive therapy, often leading to exacerbations or repeatedly delayed healing.

6. who has been taking hormones, decreasing the hormone dosage and frequency should be under the guidance of the physician depending on the circumstances. Must not be arbitrary withdrawal.

7. The natural history of renal disease usually takes a year or longer, should adhere to the medication and tests.

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