
Can Uremic Patients Take Exercise?

Many believe that had uremia uremic patients should stay in bed, not much movement. As everyone knows, these findings are completely wrong. Data show that 50% of uremic patients died of cardiovascular complications, but a few, many of the exercise can effectively reduce the incidence of cardiovascular complications. Accordingly, uremic patients can and need to do some slow motion, for recovery of the disease have a positive effect.

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Uremic patients for aerobic exercise:

Experts point out that uremic patients because of illnesses, there is poor coordination, poor endurance, slow motion, etc., if confrontational sports or strenuous anaerobic exercise may be chest tightness, vomiting and other phenomena, not because of their compensatory function Well, it will be too difficult to tolerate intense, thereby increasing the disease. Movement should pay attention to the following principles:

1. Patients should be given a lighter physical exercise movement, generally less than 50% of the ultimate amount of, for example, think they can walk 200 meters, 100 meters to go first, adhere to a few days and then gradually increase the amount of exercise;

2. according to their condition, aerobic exercise three times a week for at least 30 minutes. Aerobic exercise mainly walking, tai chi and so on.

3. prohibits strenuous exercise, such as swimming, soccer, basketball.
Experts advise: Before uremic patients during exercise, the best to consult the doctor, let the doctor for you to develop a scientific exercise program. In addition, for uremic patients, the most critical is the use of scientific methods to delay or even get rid of dialysis. Even though it can temporarily ease the complications of dialysis, but is easy to form dependent side effects and long-term dialysis.

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