
Diet for high creatinine level patients

High creatinine level indicates your kidney damage,and having a dialysis or transplant is the last stage for the creatinine level patients,so dietary therapy play an important role in treating it.If he toxins can’t be discharged out of the body by damaged kidneys,the creatinine level will elevated.At this time, kidneys have been damaged seriously ,meanwhile,if your diet is improper,it will worsen your medical condition and threaten your life. Some foods can not be eaten by high creatinine level patients.

1.High potassium foods

High creatinine level patients should not eat high potassium foods.Food with high potassium include:per 100 grams contains potassium below 150 milligram such as opion,pumpkin, watermelon,apple,pear,cucurbita pepo L,pineapple,white gourd and eggplant. Per 100grams contains 150-250 milligrams of potassium such as carrot,cabbage, orange and celery and persimmon.Per 100grams contains more than 250 milligrams of potassium including potato,mushroom,black fungus,peach, red date,bananas,cauliflower and chufa.

2.High sodium foods

High creatinine level patients can’t eat high sodium foods,and a low sodium diet is good.The content of salt everyday should not be higher than 3 grams.

3.High phosphorus foods

Some high phosphorus foods such as internal organs,peanuts,sesame,walnut,honey,egg yolk,tea and nuts are suggested not to eat for high creatinine level patients.

4.High protein foods

Patients with high creatinine level cannot eat high protein foods and protein intake everyday should not exceed 20-30g.

5.Oil should be plant oil which contains less or does not contain saturated fatty acid

Plant oil contains unsaturated fatty acid, which can prevent deterioration of kidney function.This is because linoleic acid is the premise of compounding prostaglandin which can expand renal blood vessels,stabilize blood pressure and keep blood flow in kidneys normal.It affects prostaglandin and then plays an important role in protecting kidney function.Corn oil and linseed have better therapeutic effect.

Some foods can reduce elevated creatinine level such as,red bell pepper,cucumber,lemon, so the patients should pay more attention to the diet,in order to control the development of the disease.

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