
Is There Any Other Therapy For Stage 5 Kidney Disease Other Than Dialysis

Is there any other therapy for stage 5 kidney disease other than dialysis? Dialysis is the most common therapy for kidney failure and it can help alleviate some symptoms. However, dialysis also brings some side effects. And it cannot treat kidney problem radically. Thus, most kidney disease patients consult if there are other therapies for stage 5 kidney disease other than dialysis.

Is there any other way to treat stage 5 kidney disease besides dialysis ?

In the past, renal transplant is the only ways to help stage 5 kidney disease patient avoid dialysis, but now in our days, there are some other treatments, based on traditional Chinese Medicine, also can help patient live better without dialysis, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most well-known one.

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How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help kidney disease patient avoid dialysis ?

You know, this kind of treatment has four main functions, they are anti-thrombosis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and enlarge blood vessels. By these four functions, this treatment can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the residual ones from further damage, thus to improve the kidney function.

So with the help of this treatment, stage 5 kidney disease patient can get their kidney function improved gradually, and then they can get a chance to live a quality life without dialysis.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to avoid dialysis, you can send email to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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