
Kidney Failure, Creatinine Level 960, Do not Want Dialysis

I have kidney failure and creatinine level is 960. My doctor recommends me to begin dialysis so I do not want dialysis. What should I do?

In fact, for kidney failure patient who are in his condition they have some other options except dialysis. But they should take the alternative treatment timely, otherwise they will suffer more pains. You know after the creatinine level up to 960, many symptoms and complications will occur, without timely treatment the patients will experience more and more pains.

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Is dialysis better for kidney failure patient ?

Dialysis as one of the common treatment of kidney failure it can help patient live better by relieving those symptoms of kidney failure, however, long-terms of dialysis also will bring many side-effect. So if the patient can get some other treatment, we don’t recommend them to take dialysis.

What treatment can help kidney failure patient live a quality life without dialysis ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help kidney failure patient live better without dialysis by improving the kidney function.

You know, this treatment is an innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it has generated all the advantages of the TCM, that is to say, it can treat kidney disease without making further damage to the kidneys.

In one word, for kidney failure patient with creatinine level 960 they can get a chance to live a quality life without taking dialysis if they can get this treatment timely.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can send email to xuelingren1991@sina.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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