Natural treatments to lower high creatinine level in chronic kidney disease
(CKD) are much preferred by patients. Here we list top 7 natural ways to reduce
high creatinine level in CKD.
1. Reduce consumption of meat
As creatine exists in muscle, it is mainly found in animal products.
Therefore, you will be able to reduce the production of creatinine if you
develop a vegetarian diet and keep a restrictive limitation of the consumption
of meat.
2. Avoid strenuous physical activity
Strenuous physical activity can increase the metabolism of creatine in
muscle, resulting in elevated production of creatinine in blood. Thus,it is a
wise choice to avoid strenuous physical activity.
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3.Drink more water
After the metabolic wastes are filtered out by kidneys, most of them will end
in urine. Drinking more water can increase your urination and the excretion of
wastes. It is an easy and natural way to lower high creatinine in CKD. However,
if you have swelling, you should limit the water intake properly.
4. Low-protein diet
An effective natural way to reduce the creatinine level in your body is to
create a diet low in proteins. You should limit foods rich in proteins, such as
bean, bean-products, yolk, etc.
5. Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine is a complete medical system including Chinese herbal
medicine, medicated bath, acupuncture, etc. It treats diseases mainly replying
on herbal medicines and some instruments like needles, no chemical drugs at all.
It can reduce high creatinine level in CKD by improving renal function and
promoting the excretion of wastes from body.
Chinese herbal medicine is an easy way to lower creatinine level. However,
some Chinese herbal medicine can be harmful to kidneys so you should never use
any Chinese herbal medicine without consulting with a nephrologist. If you are
interested in Chinese herbal medicine and want more information about it, you
can email to to get more information about it.