
What Do You Know From High Creatinine Level

What do you know from high creatinine level? Creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney function. It can tell us some information about our kidneys.

What can the high creatinine level tells us ?

As we all know the creatinine is the waste of muscle metabolism and should be filtered through our kidneys' glomeruli and then discharged out by urine. If the glomeruli has been damaged and GFR(glomerular filtration rate) decreases, these wastes will not be let off, then these toxins will accumulate in the blood, that is why the serum creatinine shows high. Therefore, high creatinine means high toxins in body. Generally speaking once the creatinine level is higher, there is more than 50% renal function has been damaged.

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However, to be honest, the creatinine is just an index of the renal function. The lowering of the creatinine doesn't mean the renal function has been improved. Do not always focus on the creatinine, the key point for us is to clear up the excessive creatinine in the blood to create a relatively stable and pure internal internal environment for the next step. The next step is to have the damaged kidney restored, which is the basis of the cure of the kidney problems.

How to decrease the high creatinine level in kidney disease ?

In fact, medicines such as Ketosteril and some Diuretics are helpful for decreasing the high blood pressure, but just temporary. Compared with those medicines, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can decrease the high creatinine level permanently by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and improving the kidney function.

If you want to learn more information about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, you can leave us a message to xuelingren1991@sina.com. We will try our best to help you.

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