
Anemia: A Symptom Of Uremia

Anemia is a symptom of uremia. Anemia occurs in our lives may not be familiar with most of my friends would happen. But you know that in fact a symptom of anemia is kidney disease. Well, in life, you will have much to learn uremia it? Next, we will introduce you to it.

So what is it uremia uremia early symptoms of what is:

1, uremia are those with renal dysfunction and a variety of kidney disease decline phenomenon, the disease will directly lead to loss of kidney function and all functions will be a series of symptoms, referred to as renal failure, renal failure late if people who are He said to uremia.

2. Anemia: Due to the damage suffered kidney function, the body can not produce enough red blood cells needed for the manufacture of hormones, resulting in anemia. Anemia often feel cold and tired.

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3, physical discomfort: Because toxins and waste continues to accumulate in the body, the patient may feel malaise. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sleep well at night, loss of appetite, itching and fatigue.

4, edema: edema occurs in some patients. Decreased urine output, frequent urination (especially at night). Hand ankle edema. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes.

5. Other symptoms: hematuria (blood was brown or red), high blood pressure, urine bubble appears, diarrhea, extreme thirst, disturbed sleep, or drowsiness, decreased libido.

What is the treatment of uremia have a way to do that:

1, peritoneal dialysis, it is the body's own peritoneum as a dialysis membrane for blood purification. First make peritoneal dialysis fluid is introduced, the blood of excess water and toxins through the peritoneum into the dialysis fluid is then filtered through a dialysate can be excreted up. This method is to regularly or constantly changing dialysate, so as to achieve blood purification purposes.

2, kidney transplantation, this treatment is completely replace diseased kidneys come through other people's kidneys surgically transplanted into the patient's body, so that the body's kidneys can play a normal function, and the implanted kidney various functions, is the best treatment for uremia uremia treatment method works best, lowest total cost of treatment, but also agreed that the current.

3, the blood dialysis. Such treatment is the patient's blood as well as dialysate fusion, and ends at the same time introducing the dialysis machine, filtering some blood toxins and metabolites through a semipermeable membrane, to re-maintain electrolyte and acid-base balance, and the discharge the body of excess water. Hemodialysis method can only replace kidney function to a certain extent, it is a method of treatment of uremia currently widely used.

Anemia symptoms of uremia turned out? Occurrence of kidney disease is to go through a process, often severe kidney disease, it is the occurrence of uremia. However, you do not have to worry about the treatment of kidney disease in a timely manner will also be able to relieve the condition. I hope the above treatments can help you control the disease. Finally, I wish you good health.

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