
Can Acupoint Application Treat Kidney Disease

If it is from the perspective of Western medicine anatomy observed on kidney disease, people will find a wide variety of chronic kidney disease are more difficult to treat, so from the perspective of Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease is often a better choice. Chinese medicine is more holistic, focusing on the overall physical condition of the patient. Here are some points on TCM therapy.

Kidney disease is a disease more difficult to treat, but the use of Chinese medicine treatment, but can bring good results. Traditional Chinese medicine: all causes of organs and meridians blood runs sluggish, or not stasis, or a reverse chaos, or air-lift disorders and other blood running disorder pathology, causing pain, that is, "no pain" The pathogenesis. The surface has 360 acupuncture meridian points, also known as acupuncture points, these points can be balanced and store the gas flow. Gas refers to a movement of energy in the meridians or invisible electromagnetic energy. Acupuncture can adjust the operation of the gas, through the respective meridians management system of the body, such as the nervous, immune, circulatory system, muscles, and so on. Acupuncture can affect the gas pipeline and organ movement, thereby adjusting the gas, blood, body fluid, nervous, immune, organs and much more.

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Point is the specific name of TCM on treating diseases through acupuncture points are often more effective, the effect is very good. Point injection method is to implant characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, acupuncture point run by the birth of drug absorption, in-depth treatment of the onset of a unit. By topical administration kidney related shu, stimulate the body's non-specific immune response, to conditioning the human body environment, reduce the sensitivity of the body and enhance immunity, enhance microcirculation, the body qi, blood, body fluid sufficient to contain the body internal inflammation, increase body resistance to disease, promote functional recovery of renal tissue lesions.

Thus, for kidney disease patients, but it is not enough emphasis on the treatment of kidney disease, but also to choose their own method of treatment, the treatment itself but also to avoid harm to the body, in this regard on traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture therapy is more A therapeutic methods to comply.

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