
Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Need a Low Protein and Phosphorus Diet

There are many types of kidney disease, one of the more common is chronic nephritis, renal cyst, but no matter what the situation is kidney disease, one thing is to note that kidney disease diet. Because there is a close link between diet and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease patients need to be on behalf of protein low phosphorus diet.

Kidney patients need some protein, but not too much to add. Problems protein intake almost all kidney patients have to face the problem of how to develop their intake of illness and rehabilitation will produce a more significant impact. Chronic nephritis patients, the incidence of early or acute stage, there is a certain degree of oliguria, edema symptoms or poor appetite, protein intake should be appropriate to control, but not overly restricted, especially when the decline in the patient's body weight, otherwise it may affect the body's immune system is not conducive to rehabilitation of the disease. Generally kilogram of body weight per day to 1 g protein is appropriate.

Patient intake of protein and the amount is not static, the need for change in the condition of patients. When a large number of diuretic edema, patient symptoms improved, it is necessary and timely to increase protein intake, to supplement the large amount of protein is lost diuretic, nephritis patients with chronic kidney disease even more. If the further development of chronic nephritis, leading to severe renal impairment, when uremia, renal excretion of protein metabolites will lower blood urea nitrogen increased so that the body, then we must strictly limit the intake of protein, only a very small amount of supply protein to maintain basic metabolic needs of the body.

Thus, kidney disease diet is a certain basic principles, such as low-protein and low-phosphorus diet, but not to say that there is a uniform standard, different patients, different periods of disease, the patient's body will be needed protein different, so the need for appropriate adjustments according to the disease.

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