
Dietary Suggestion For Uremia Patients

Uremic patients dietary matters. Noun uremia of the disease, in everyone's eyes have been not just a disease synonymous, because in recent years to increase the incidence of this disease, severe and even has claimed a lot of people's lives, so everyone's eyes, uremia has become a "deadly killer." So look at the common sense of uremia is necessary.

So uremic patients dietary matters, you know how much?

1, water

If oliguria hemodialysis patients, should be severely restricted water intake. If the excessive amount of water, the light leading to edema, severe cases lead to heart failure, pulmonary edema; excessive weight gain, dialysis, ultrafiltration too easily lead to hypotension, not only danger, but also on the dialysis results. Usually water intake plus 500 ml of urine, weight gain control twice during hemodialysis does not exceed 4% of body weight, if a 50 kg person, you can only increase 2 kilograms.

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2, sugar

Sugar in the body is the primary heat origin, in addition to diabetes, sugar intake does not need to be bound.

3, K

Since hemodialysis patients oliguria reason, pay attention to control of potassium intake. Fasting potassium foods: mustard, kelp, seaweed, mushrooms, bananas, oranges, potatoes and the like; constraints eat foods high in potassium are: leek, canola, dry dates and so on.

4, phosphorus

Because of hemodialysis on phosphorus removal efficiency is limited, therefore constrained phosphorus intake is very important. Avoid eating high phosphorus foods: shellfish, seafood, egg yolk, chocolate, all kinds of soy products, nuts, scallops and so on.

Uremia patient's diet

Rice, Gorgon 30 grams, ginkgo 10 (shell), porridge. Daily for 1 second, 10 days for a stage. This porridge has the effect of spleen and kidney, Guse essence of convergence.

Jujube glutinous rice porridge sheep bones. Jujube 5, sheep tibia 1-2, rice 150 grams. The sheep tibia chopped, add red dates (pitted), glutinous rice porridge and water bowls and a half, seasoning eat, divided 2-3 times finished eating.
A carp, weighing about 250 grams, laparotomy gutted washed into large minced garlic 10 grams, outsourcing clean white paper, soaked with water, into the bran cooked. Fish garlic Whole Foods, a conditional daily. For chronic nephritis edema and malnutrition.

Leather gourd, wax gourd skin, watermelon rind 30 grams, jujube 10 grams, with the release of the pot, add water to about 400 ml, 150 ml fry about to slag Serve. Yin Tang, day one, to swelling the recession so far.
A pig kidneys, Codonopsis, Astragalus, Gorgon 20 grams each. The pig kidney cut open, to the fascia wash, and drugs were soup consumption. This applies to the recovery and spleen qi deficiency and chronic nephritis patients.

Live carp 1 to 2, 50 grams of rice, wick spend 5 to 8. Water was added to the three flavor appropriate, boiled gruel consumption. One day, for chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis.

Notes on the above diet uremia has been explained to you over, which is a relatively common kidney disease, if not treated in time, then will seriously affect the patient's health, if you want to learn more knowledge about aspects of uremia, please click on the screen and experts to communicate.

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