
How Is Kidney Disease Caused

How is kidney disease caused? Setbacks would face life smiling face, after all, our life is not flat. Such as kidney disease occurs it will make our life very difficult. But the incidence of the disease is not without reason, also because of the change of life, or unhealthy diet, lead. Next, we come to know about the formation of kidney bar.

Disease happens in our lives is very common, we only understand the causes of the disease, can be treated. Nephritis cause, men are more likely than women to kidney damage. Age of onset of essential hypertension is generally 25-45 years old, and kidney damage caused by hypertension clinical symptoms typically 40-60 years of age. The first symptoms may be increased to nocturia, reflecting the tubules have occurred ischemic lesions, urine concentration function began to subside.

Nephropathy occurred on our lives will cause great blow, so the best is to always pay attention to their own physical condition. Then proteinuria, indicating glomerular disease has occurred. Degree of proteinuria generally mild to moderate, 24-hour urinary protein excretion is generally not more than 2 grams, but a few patients have proteinuria. Urine microscopic examination of red blood cells and casts little individual patients because of the glomerular capillary rupture transient gross hematuria. Studies have confirmed that ten thousandth will develop renal failure in patients with essential hypertension, renal function in patients with untreated hypertension than those without hypertension were significantly decreased.

Sometimes complications of kidney disease is the occurrence of many diseases caused by the best in life is to guard against complications. Can often be found in other organs of essential hypertension caused mainly cardiovascular complications, these complications as the main or key prognostic factors may occur earlier than kidney damage, the condition is more serious.

Cardiac complications are the most common hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy, while being easy to merge heart failure, angina pectoris; cerebrovascular complications as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction, unexpected reason Habitat in essential hypertension and cerebrovascular deaths in our country first. Essential hypertension can also cause retinal arteriosclerosis, further cause arteriosclerosis retinopathy.

Retinal blood pressure is directly proportional to the extent of atherosclerosis, in which the relationship between diastolic blood pressure more closely. Retinal and renal sclerosis generally parallel to the extent of atherosclerosis, renal artery can be broadly reflect the situation, it is very important to fundus examination.

The main reason for the occurrence of kidney disease

1, infection: such as various bacteria, viruses or protozoa and other infections, this is the most common cause of chronic nephritis, particularly upper respiratory tract infection, asymptomatic bacteriuria, flu, sore throat, trachea bronchitis.

2, autoimmune diseases and vasculitis: as lupus erythematosus, also due to the deposition of immune complexes caused by chronic nephritis. Vasculitis caused by glomerulonephritis, the situation is usually more serious, need active treatment.

3, drugs: such as analgesics, gold compounds, some antibiotics, can also cause glomerular lesions.

4, stress: such as sudden gastrointestinal bleeding, severe gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, anaphylactic shock, more than the body can withstand the stress ability. Mainly refers to the adrenal cortex to cope with the sudden arrival of stimulation and urgent adjustment of the secretion of adrenal hormones and the like. All kinds of stress can make the condition of acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis.

Kidney disease caused by how? Occurs when kidney disease make a lot of friends is very upset, after all, always after the occurrence of the disease so that the patient's life is very confusing. But you also do not worry, as long as we adhere to treatment, will have a healthy possible. In addition, in life to do timely prevention of disease it is also very important, so that we stay away from the disease, embracing health bar.

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