
What Is The Prevention Method For Uremia

What preventive measures uremia. Speaking uremia this nephropathy, most friends are aware of how much some of the incidence of this disease is relatively high, of course, when the circumstances have improved in recent therapeutic levels, uremia, or can be treated , but even better treatment, and no one is willing to bear the torment of the disease, the second best way is to prevent alleviate uremia, then prevent uremia What it means?

1, severely constrained intake of foods high cadmium content

Weekdays days with a high cadmium content of food containing the food from animal liver and kidney made of seafood such as halibut, crab, seafood Because these were cadmium pollution in seawater, the body will be a lot of savings cadmium. In the sludge-grown fruits and vegetables at the fruit also experienced a lot of soil to absorb cadmium. Constraints metal cadmium intake plays in uremia way to prevent the effect is very crucial, patients should pay attention, this is the way to prevent uremia.

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2. Do not use defective house decoration materials

When used to decorate the house must ensure that spraying the wall furniture paints and coatings contain cadmium, or cadmium will gradually be absorbed by the body, and the metal cadmium heavy damage to the kidneys, especially in uremic patients has almost irreversible damage effect .

3, use low-protein diet

Uremic patients can be given a low-protein diet on weekdays. Normal adult daily amount of protein per kilogram of body weight needs 1 ~ 1.5g, but uremic patients only need to eat 0.5g / kg perhaps less. Reduce the intake of protein intent is to cut the quality of nitrogen metabolism in the body attacks and savings products. If the patient needs to make up for protein substances, try to use eggs and milk foods, such as higher nutritional value of eggs, milk and other animal protein, as little edible soy and other vegetable protein, about the way we want to pay attention to prevent uremia, when When found to have uremia performance, we should timely treatment of uremia.

4, drink carbonated beverages.

The main ingredient is sugar carbonated drinks, colors, flavors and carbonated water, etc., in addition to calories, almost no nutrients. Foreign studies have shown that excessive consumption of carbonated drinks will add suffering from kidney stones, kidney failure and other dangerous kidney disease, whether or not sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages, day 2 bottles of drinking carbonated drinks probably 2 bottles or more, the risk of kidney disease slow It increased twice, which is very useful way to prevent uremia.

5, pay attention to kidney disease into uremia.

Kidney very simple cause uremia, so kidney patients to timely treatment, antibiotics to active application. There are slow uremia caused by the cuts. However, slow nephritis, polycystic kidney disease, primary and genetic kidney disease caused by uremia ratio Alport syndrome tends to go up. Therefore, kidney patients have timely treatment, will reduce the onset of uremia, pay attention to these can successfully prevent uremia, but when we found the performance of uremia, it is necessary and timely medical treatment.

6, urinary tract infections to timely medical treatment.

Many people think that urinary tract infections are usually a minor illness, no ulterior motive. Originally, urinary tract infections such as inappropriate treatment, the bacteria can cause retrograde infection, and thus damage the kidney unit, impact renal function is reduced, resulting in uremia. According to statistics, about urinary tract infections How can attracted a lot of people are puzzled uremia, in China, resulting in uremia slow pyelonephritis accounted for 21.2%, is an important factor causing uremia.

Means for the prevention of uremia what, I believe you after reading this article, there will certainly be a concept, and if you do not know what the Department for the disease, regardless of their means of treatment or the patient's dietary considerations must be timely and expert online communication, to prevent the disease has been increasing!

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