
What Is The Relation Between Facial Swelling And Kidney Disease

What is the reason of facial swelling? Is it related with kidney disease? There are a lot of friends in life will happen all sorts of symptoms, most of them because the symptoms of the disease do not know, therefore, it will delay treatment of the disease. Such as facial swelling occurs in general is kidney disease symptoms, if you do not know, it will cause serious consequences. Next, we come to know about the symptoms of kidney disease now.

The occurrence of edema would be a sign of kidney disease symptoms, when your life happens we must be careful edema occurred nephropathy. Nephritis symptoms often first appear in the person's eyelids, scrotum and other places is very loose face, the future is there will be lower extremity edema, is also likely to occur in the body of edema very serious time, few nephritis patients also may have ascites phenomenon is an increase in urinary symptoms of nephritis in foam.
Hematuria occurred also nephropathy situation will arise, but also distinguish the type of treatment when kidney disease. Under normal circumstances, urine naked eye can not see blood, but no red blood cells under a microscope is the occurrence of symptoms of nephritis is if there is a macroscopic hematuria that is represented inside the red blood cells in urine is a lot of a. However, this does not mean that the red color of the urine is hematuria symptoms.

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Increased urine foam. Kidney disease often occurs when our kidney abnormality occurs, therefore, there will be abnormal urine. Is little more than foam-based, long time can not be dispersed, which shows there is protein in the urine of patients with the presence of protein leakage is due to glomerular disease caused, which would pay attention to the possibility of kidney disease. Thus, for a longer time if urination occurs bubble situation to be vigilant, they should seek immediate medical attention do urine, 24-hour urinary protein excretion and other tests.

The method of treatment of kidney disease

First, edema edema without treatment, and the rest by the salt restriction can disappear. Edema who used furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone or triamterene combination to assist nephritis treatment, generally intermittent application is better than continuous application.

Second, anti-infection treatment of acute nephritis have foci in the case to give sufficient anti-infection treatment, no foci, generally do not need to pay attention to this aspect of the treatment of nephritis. Use of antibiotics to prevent recurrence of nephritis is often ineffective.

Third, the presence of high blood pressure in patients with hypertension require conventional treatment of hypertension and heart failure treatment. Significantly increased blood pressure, should not make sudden drop in blood pressure, even down to normal, in order to prevent a sudden reduction in renal blood flow, influence or aggravate renal insufficiency. Treatment of heart failure, because there is a high volume problem early acute nephritis, digitalis effect is not necessarily ideal, treatment should focus on clear water, sodium retention slip, reduced blood volume.

What is the reason facial swelling, and kidney disease related? In fact, the situation occurred facial swelling is a symptom of many types of diseases, and sometimes it is not only the occurrence of kidney disease, but in order to ensure that their diagnosis, when it is best to go to a regular hospital conduct a detailed examination of it, and then effectively treated. If you have questions about symptoms of the disease, also can consult online experts.

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