
Will Kidney Failure Get Recovery

Can I be saved? Life no matter what happens kidney disease, are leading to renal failure, such as severe kidney disease occurrence is also a performance. Even such a disease occurs in life, you do not worry, timely treatment of diseases also can help patients recover health. We have come to know about the treatment of kidney failure it.

Cause of renal failure

(1) hypovolemia can glomerular filtration rate, increased kidney damage;

(2) the infected part hypoproteinemia and long-term use of immunosuppressive agents of kidney patients, the body's defenses are weakened, easily complicated by respiratory infections, sometimes there may be a variety of diffuse lung inflammatory lesions, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or mixed infections , severe infections can often induce acute interstitial nephritis, increased kidney damage. Meanwhile, severe infection forced doctors sometimes use of nephrotoxic drugs, will increase renal impairment;

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(3) in some patients when overworked or suffering in the course of occult renal disease, and not to pay attention, if at this time such as travel, moving, decorate the house and so allow the body to overwork, easily lead to disease progression, accelerated deterioration of renal function. In addition, psychological factors are the progress of the disease process plays an important role;

(4) The use of nephrotoxic drugs: such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, sulfa drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of X-ray contrast agents can aggravate kidney dysfunction, it is worth noting that some traditional Chinese medicine (such as Guan Mu Tong, etc.) may also be cause renal tubular damage, should avoid excessive use.

Expert analysis of early renal failure can be cured?

1, due to kidney function has been lost, so the doctor will temporarily use dialysis ways to help rid the body of toxins and waste; acute renal failure if not receive appropriate treatment or can not control, so that the disease from acute evolving into chronic renal failure, It could turn into a life-long dialysis uremia must.

2, indeed quasi remedy the cause, such as: lack of blood supply or blood loss occurs, it is administered to a patient to replace lost fluids and water; given antibiotics to control inflammation and infection if there is infection.

3, the control diet, the patient in terms of renal failure, renal function due to damage food after eating the body of toxins and waste generated, not the normal excreted, and therefore it is necessary in the diet special attention to avoid Body burden: Limiting sodium intake: because salt contains a higher sodium content, in renal failure patients if too much sodium can cause body water retention, thus resulting in the case of heart and lung failure and aggravation of renal failure. Water intake: If the intake of too much water, the kidneys can not be excluded, it will cause edema or heart and lung failure. Limit intake of phosphorus: phosphorus because the body can cause excessive loss of calcium, so doctors will use drugs to help control blood phosphorus levels, prevent osteoporosis generation. Protein restriction: because the kidneys can not be produced after the protein metabolism waste is discharged, so that the situation is more severe renal failure, therefore, will be proposed to reduce the intake of protein, but you can usually choose high-quality protein, such as: eggs, milk and meat. Restrict potassium intake: in vivo accumulation of potassium can cause muscle weakness, severe cases can cause the heart rate and cause heart failure is not the whole generation.

I have saved you, renal failure will recover it? Appears the disease, will be a direct threat to our health, especially kidney disease occurs when the only treatment as soon as possible in order to ease the development of the disease. I hope the above treatment recommendations will help you to alleviate the condition, if we continue to treat the disease, you will achieve a healthy body.

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