
IgA nephropathy with creatinine 5.1 What To Do

I am a patient of IgA nephropathy and the recent test shows that my creatinine level is up to 5.1. In addition, there are some bubbles in my urine, can you help?

According to his own saying, creatinine has already exceeded normal limits. And there is loss of urine protein for the obvious. In the treatment of this disease, we need to repair the kidney damage to prevent leakage of protein. Then, the treatments can be taken to reduce creatinine and improve kidney function gradually.

How to treat IgA nephropathy?

IgA nephropathy is a disease characterized by the deposition of immune complexes in the kidneys. In the treatment of this disease, the cleaning of these circulating immune complexes in the blood and degrade out these immune complexes deposited in the kidneys are key. Long used as a steroid or a similar medicine can cure IgA nephropathy.

The principial treatment here focus on cleaning of inflammatory factors in the blood to improve self-repair kidney damage. In other word, inflammatory factors in blood and kidney damage injury interact with each other. For example, circulating inflammatory factors in the kidney and is concentrated in the kidneys, in turn, renal injury to stimulate the immune system to produce more inflammatory factors. To treat kidney, this vicious circle must be broken.
Here I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy, these two treatments worked together can break this vicious circle effectively, thus helping the patient to live a quality life without dialysis or kidney transplantation.

If you are interested in our treatments or want to get IgA nephropathy under control, you can send email to us or consult our doctor.

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