
Is Eggplant ok For Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Diet plays an important role in the disease treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), which can help reduce kidney burden and protect the kidneys. Then, can chronic kidney disease patients eat eggplant?

As for that question, we should first know what functions do eggplants have.

1. Low potassium in eggplant

Kidney disease patients usually have elevated potassium level, so for patients with elevated potassium level, they should limit potassium intake, because high potassium level easily leads to irregular heartbeat and even heart attack low potassium foods is able to help lighten kidney burden and ease your healthy condition. In this light, eggplant is recommended for kidney disease patients.

2. Increase the urine output

Eating eggplant has the benefits of increasing the urine output, which will be good for CKD patients. As we know, CKD patients often have the symptom of swelling, and the unwell controlled swelling will cause further damage to kidneys. Eating eggplant can help increase the urine output, which can help remove the fluid out into urine, and this can help relieve the swelling. In addition, the increasing of urine output can also help remove the toxins and wastes in blood, which can help purify the blood.

3. Protect the cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular disease is a common complication in CKD, and it is one of the main death cause in CKD. Eating eggplant can help protect the cardiovascular system, which will be good for CKD patients.

In addition, there are also some other benefits of taking eggplant for CKD patient, such as lowering the high cholesterol level, anti-aging, etc. However, this doesn’t mean all the CKD patients can take eggplant safely. Because eggplant is high in potassium, which will be harmful for CKD patients who have high potassium level in blood.

4. Eggplants are able to improve blood flow, prevent blood clots and strengthen immunity.

Saponarin in eggplants has the function of promoting the synthesis of protein, lipid and nucleic acid, which can increase the ability of oxygen supply, improve blood flow, prevent the formation of blood clots and increase your body’s immunity. Besides, research has shown that saponarin can also reduce the level of cholesterol.

Generally speaking, chronic kidney disease patients can eat eggplants and the amount of eggplants should be moderate, because too much or too little will affect the treatment effects. And patients should make a decision on whether you can eat eggplant or not according to your own health condition.

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