
It will be dangerous life of patients for IgA nephropathy

In fact, IgA nephropathy occurs when the accumulation of immunoglobulin A (IgA) causes inflammatory reactions in the glomerular mesangial area. When the kidneys are unable to filter blood .Normalmente, patients must undergo a series of health problems.

IgA nephropathy results from immune disorder, but different patients have different prognosis based on the severity and extent of kidney damage. In some cases, patients can receive the complete remission, while in some other cases, IgA nephropathy in renal failure progresses gradually end stage.

Is it dangerous life of patients for IgA nephropathy?

Patients usually will not be in danger of life unless your illness worsens in the final stage, in which they failed kidneys should cause damage to many organs like the heart, liver, nerves, brain, and so on. Some of these problems are so severe that can threaten the lives of patients, if not controlled effectively.

How to improve the prognosis of patients with IgA nephropathy?

According to the characteristics of IgA nephropathy, the method can improve the prognosis of patients should start from several aspects.

1. Follow a scientific diet plan: Although in the form of food is not able to cure this disease, but in fact may help slow the progression of IgA nephropathy and manage complications of patients.

2. Makes healthy lifestyle: If you are used to smoke, drink alcohol or have irregular sleep schedule, you must change your lifestyle.

3. Keep IgA nephropathy worse: proteinuria, hypertension, hematuria, and so on are common complications of IgA nephropathy. If patients have these problems, they must take the right medications to manage.

4. Repair damaged kidney cells: only the damaged kidney cells are repaired, the patient may have a change to improve kidney function and get a better prognosis.

To learn more about how cells repair damaged kidney IgA nephropathy can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.We are glad to help you.

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