
Combining Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome Children at the coming 2016

In most cases, patients may receive a referral, but in some cases, patients are resistant to steroid or have frequent relapses. If you want your child to get rid of nephrotic syndrome early, why not change the way you treat childhood nephrotic syndrome in the coming year 2016? Here we recommend Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are many external therapies, which can reduce the stimulant for the stomach, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and medicated foot bath. They are suitable for child patients.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is to infiltrate the herbal active ingredients in damaged kidneys directly with the assistance of osmosis devices. This therapy can break immune complexes in the kidneys and download them out to remove kidney inflammation. It can also inhibit the proliferation of more extracellular matrix to protect the kidneys from damage. In addition, it can block blood clotting to prevent thrombus. And it can expand blood vessels to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the kidneys.

Medicated foot bath. It set foot in the diluted medicinal soup. In the foot, there are many acupuncture points. The active ingredients of the medicine can enter the body throug acupuncture points. This therapy can eliminate waste products from the body. You can also improve blood circulation. In addition, it can strengthen immunity to help fight the disease.

In addition to the above treatments, bathroom, steam therapy, Circle Therapy, Enema Therapy, etc. are medicated According to the health of patients, we will choose the most suitable to stabilize the nephrotic syndrome and reduce relapse.

The new year is coming. The time has come for you to try any alternative treatment for childhood nephrotic syndrome, if you can not find an effective treatment. Change the way to treat childhood nephrotic syndrome, your child may have a bright future. For more information about our treatment for nephrotic syndrome, please contact your doctor online or leave a message below.

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