
Natural Treatment to Cure Protein in the urine of FSGS

The protenia in urine as a common symptom of FSGS, foamy urine may lend or bubbles in the urine .In general, healthy people can keep the protein is outside the body through glomerular filtration function and reabsorption function renal tubular .However, for patients with FSGS, because of kidney damage, appears protinia a large amount of urine that drives patients to find natural ways to cure protenia in the urine of FSGS.

The following are natural ways to cure protenia FSGS urine.

Controlling protein intake well.

The mayoira of FSGS patients may consider a lot of protein has leaked, along with urine, you just assume that they need to consume more protein to add the lost. I must say that this idea is wrong. Because for patients with FSGS, your kidneys have been wounded, if patients take more protein, the kidneys have to work more often and thus further aggravate the kidneys. In short, if you want to cure protein in the urine effectively, a low intake of protein, but high quality is highly recommended, as milk, egg, lean meat, fish, etc.

Eating more fruits.

Here, we must remember that not all fruit is suitable for patients with FSGS, because different fruits have diferenten nourishment. For example, FSGS patients had better avoid the banana try their best due to the rich containing potassium. (Chat online with our doctors to make sure what kind of fruit you can eat and can not eat)

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

So far, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is proved to be the most effective in curing urine protein treatment of FSGS and its main aim to solve the root problems caused protein in the urine of FSGS. Through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, expansion of blood vessels, providing nutrition and promoting blood circulation by damaged kidneys, thus achieve the purpose of repairing the damaged kidneys and improve kidney function root.

Are you interested in these natural ways to help cure protein in the urine? If so, please contact us for more details as soon as possible, we are happy to help, you can also send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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