
Should Kidney Failure Patient with creatinine 8.3 Take Dialysis Now

Should Kidney Failure Patient with creatinine 8.3 Take Dialysis Now

Should the patient with creatinine 8.3 take dialysis now? In general, the doctor recommends patients with creatinine 8.3 to take dialysis .However, as a doctor, I do not want the patient to take it, because it is only a method to reduce creatinine level, you can not treat kidney disease at its root.

For the treatment of kidney disease in the first place, we have to stop inflammation in riñónes.Eso is not easy .There are many Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can achieve this effect .However, not enough .The abolition of our immunity We will consegir easy to infection and disease is easy to relapse .Therefore, we need the second step, which is the matrix schedular elimincion complete and additional immune kidney.

To remove the immune complex in the kidney, we used traditional herb medicine .Because of the active material of Chinese herbs can be combined with the immune complex, divide and discharged out of the body. In addition, Chinese medicine can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase blood flow to the kidneys, so that the complex and additional immune cell matrix that causes renal fibrosis in the image can be downloaded out.

The most important thing is to clean the blood and repair the injured kidney cells.Este third paso.Para cleanse the blood, Western medicine has .However hemodialysis, hemodialysis can only remove small molecule toxins such as creatinine, urea and uric acid .The great big molecules like toxins homocysteine and retinol binding protein are still in the blood and cause more serious damage. In Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can also achieve the effect of blood purification.

If you need any other help in the treatment of kidney disease, you can send email or leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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