
The Chinese medicine Treatment for IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is characterized by immune complexes named Inmunoglobulina.A deposited in glomerular basilar membrane. The disease is a leading cause it represents (ESRD) today. There are no clear causes and pathology have known. Besides western medicine, Chinese medicine, have much effect for the disease and have almost no side effects. Read on if you are interested.

IgA nephropathy belongs to the mass formed by blood stasis in Chinese medicine. Why the disease attacks? In traditional Chinese medicine, IgA nephropathy is caused by ill health, deficiency of vital energy or Qi and Yin deficiency. Exogenous pathogenic factors, namely regarding TCM, the same thing as pathogenic factors in lung function occidental.La medicine, spleen and kidney are affected accordingly. Simply own and inductor own fitness factor are the two main causes of IgA nephropathy. More precisely, the physical condition refers to the spleen and kidney are both deficient, while inducing factors include flu, unhealthy life style and mood. It is very difficult to explain the theory of Chinese medicine English from Chinese and Western medicines have their own theories.

IgA nephropathy is divided into two main categories, which are acute outbreak period and the period of chronic delays. For patients with IgA nephropathy he is in a period of acute outbreak, Yinqiao Powder hairstyle xiaojiyinzi, while for those in period of chronic delay, zhibaidihuang pills, pill of six ingredients with rehmannia or Yanourish remedy will be used due to the conditions individualized. One thing needs attention is that the drugs will not all be adopted, instead of personalized disease condition will be evaluated carefully to decide what type of drug was taken.

The advantages of Chinese medicine for IgA nephropathy

Unlike Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is more emphasis on the whole system. Improving physical condition, preventing the occurrence of possibly inducing factors may stop proteinuria and hematuria happen. TCM has fewer side effects and may promote systemic physical condition and increase the immunity of one.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or looking for treatment to cure IgA nephropathy or other kidney disease, you can consult our online doctor and leave the message, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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