
What are some treatments can support a family with Chronic Kidney Disease

When a family member has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, treatments series have to do something to the patient aproyar because eels which are ways to cure chronic kidney disease?

1. Prepare a proper diet

When a person has kidney disease, the kidneys stop working . Guaranteeing your diet can protect the kidneys, you can also control the symptoms such as hypertension and diabetos that may worsen kidney disease .The most people of kidney disease chronic have to limit the salt, liquid and protenía, some have to limit potassium and phosphorus.

However, only one seven can not cure chronic kidney disease should take adequate and timely jamming series.

2. Alternative treatments

Dialysis and kidney transplantation are not the only ways to cure kidney disease .In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital fear Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Mai Kang mixture, Medicated Foot Bath and Medicinal soup, etc for patients with chronic kidney disease, you can kidney disease cure the root.

That is, the treatments can repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function .It may want to know how to improve renal function, really?

In fact, these therapies are a systemic therapy and used together to dilate blood vessels, improve the sanguine circulation, eliminate blood stasis, degrade extracellular matrix and provide nutrients.

In this way, stimulate self-healing capacity of damaged kidney cells, kidney tissue gradually, injuries can be repaired and then kidney function will be greatly improved. When kidney function is improved, they can live a longer life without dialysis or kidney transplantation.

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