
Headache Results From Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Headache Results From Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a serious disease enough to cause symptoms, especially for those with a age of 30 to 40. Well then, how to deal with bad headaches caused by PKD?

How does PKD cause bad headache?

Headache is very common symptom for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients. There are number of reasons for headache for PKD patients such as high blood pressure. When blood pressure elevates, the blood volume to brain reduces, thus leading to a reduction of oxygen. As a result, headache occur.

Another reason in Polycystic Kidney Disease is brain aneurysm. It is a known fact that the patients with PKD have an increased likelihood of having cerebral aneurysm which is also called “brain aneurysm”. If this fluid-filled sac ruptures, it will lead to a life-threatening effect to you. Therefore, you should take MRI to find it your headache is related to it.

How to get rid of bad headaches in PKD?

For this problem, your doctor may prescribe you some medicines to relieve your pain. However, you may become dependent on it because they cannot solve the underlying problem. Once you stop taking it, headache reoccur very soon.

Micro-Chines Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and effective treatment for shrinking kidney cyst. On one hand, the ingredients can inactivate epithelial cells to inhibit the secretion of cystic fluid. On the other hand, they can improve blood circulation so as to accelerate the reabsorption and discharge of cystic fluid.

This therapy is used externally on Shenshu area. Therefore, it is very natural for patients. More important, kidney function can be protected so that symptoms can be relieved. If you want to know more details, please be free to contact us! You can leave a message below or send an email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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